Do you want to get involved, give of your time and talents, learn more about our congregation or become better acquainted with other members? Consider serving as a Sunday volunteer!
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer opportunities Assistance and training are available as needed. Sign up on a clipboard at church or by calling the church office at 907-479-4947.
Acolyte – Light the candles during the prelude and snuff them at the end of the service during the Postlude. All ages are welcome to service in this way. In the event that there is no Acolyte, either the Usher or the Assistant Minster will do this.
Assistant Minister – Assist presiding pastor with the liturgy, the prayers, and communion.
Cantor – Lead the Kyrie singing.
Readers – Read the first and second readings of the day and sometimes lead the congregation in reciting the Psalm.
Ushers – Greet folks outside the sanctuary, hand them a bulletin, collect the offering, put the communion rail in place for communion, and guide the congregation during communion.
Counters – Two volunteers count the offering following the 10:30 service, prepare reports for the Treasurer and Financial Secretary, and deliver the deposit to the bank. Contact Jane Zimmerman, to volunteer.
Sign Changer – Change the message on the sign. Messages are provided and you may use a suction cup wand from the ground or use a ladder. This opportunity is available every 2 weeks or so as needed. Contact the church office to sign up.
A/V Tech
You can sign up for any of our A/V Tech positions on a clipboard at church or by calling the church office 907-479-4947. All Tech is in person.
Descriptions are below:
Camera – Use a remote to change pre-programed camera angles.
Sound – Turn microphones on/off and monitor them throughout the service and set up laptop for projection.
Zoom – Run Zoom and PowerPoint from a computer in the sanctuary
This Month’s Volunteer Schedule
Here is the list of Sunday Volunteers. You can search either with your name, the date or the job you volunteered for. If you are unable to serve on that day, please switch with someone or find a replacement and notify the office. This will be updated as changes come in. You can sign up for an open spot by calling or emailing the church office. Thank you for volunteering, we can’t do it without you!
February 2025
Date | Position | Time | Volunteers |
2-Feb | Accompanist | Day | Barbara Quaile |
2-Feb | Assistant Minister | 8:00 AM | Galen Johnson |
2-Feb | Cantor | 8:00 AM | Galen Johnson |
2-Feb | Reader | 8:00 AM | Lou & Katrina Florence |
2-Feb | Usher | 8:00 AM | David & Jeannie James |
2-Feb | Camera | 8:00 AM | Joyce Volz |
2-Feb | Sound | 8:00 AM | Kanza Easterly-Keill |
2-Feb | Zoom | 8:00 AM | Karen Johnson |
2-Feb | Coffee Hour | 8:00 AM | |
2-Feb | Assistant Minister | 10:30 AM | Tom Benjamin |
2-Feb | Cantor | 10:30 AM | Tom Benjamin |
2-Feb | Reader | 10:30 AM | Joyce Potter |
2-Feb | Usher | 10:30 AM | Jon Oestreich |
2-Feb | Children’s Worship | 10:30 AM | Nicole Johnson |
2-Feb | Sound | 10:30 AM | Andrew Johnson |
2-Feb | PPT Clicker | 10:30 AM | Andrew Johnson |
2-Feb | Coffee Hour | 10:30 AM | POTLUCK |
2-Feb | Counters | Day | Jane Zimmerman & Tom Benjamin |
2-Feb | Altar Guild | Day | Jeannie James & Karen Johnson |
9-Feb | Accompanist | Day | Joyce Volz |
9-Feb | Assistant Minister | 8:00 AM | Karen Milne |
9-Feb | Cantor | 8:00 AM | Laura Lease |
9-Feb | Reader | 8:00 AM | Kes Woodward |
9-Feb | Usher | 8:00 AM | David & Jeannie James |
9-Feb | Camera | 8:00 AM | Laura Lease |
9-Feb | Sound | 8:00 AM | Kanza Easterly-Keill |
9-Feb | Zoom | 8:00 AM | Lou Florence |
9-Feb | Coffee Hour | 8:00 AM | |
9-Feb | Assistant Minister | 10:30 AM | Stefanie Kramer |
9-Feb | Cantor | 10:30 AM | Stefanie Kramer |
9-Feb | Reader | 10:30 AM | Tim Doran |
9-Feb | Usher | 10:30 AM | Angie Wohlford |
9-Feb | Children’s Worship | 10:30 AM | Sandy Lewis |
9-Feb | Sound | 10:30 AM | Laura Lease |
9-Feb | PPT Clicker | 10:30 AM | Clayton Wohlford |
9-Feb | Coffee Hour | 10:30 AM | |
9-Feb | Counters | Day | Heidi Kristenson & Nicole Johnson |
9-Feb | Altar Guild | Day | Jeannie James & Karen Johnson |
16-Feb | Accompanist | Day | Barbara Quaile |
16-Feb | Assistant Minister | 8:00 AM | |
16-Feb | Cantor | 8:00 AM | |
16-Feb | Reader | 8:00 AM | Karen Milne |
16-Feb | Usher | 8:00 AM | |
16-Feb | Camera | 8:00 AM | Joyce Volz |
16-Feb | Sound | 8:00 AM | |
16-Feb | Zoom | 8:00 AM | Karen Johnson |
16-Feb | Coffee Hour | 8:00 AM | |
16-Feb | Assistant Minister | 10:30 AM | |
16-Feb | Cantor | 10:30 AM | |
16-Feb | Reader | 10:30 AM | Kate Doran |
16-Feb | Usher | 10:30 AM | |
16-Feb | Children’s Worship | 10:30 AM | |
16-Feb | Sound | 10:30 AM | |
16-Feb | PPT Clicker | 10:30 AM | Angie Wohlford |
16-Feb | Coffee Hour | 10:30 AM | |
16-Feb | Counters | Day | Cameron Wohlford & Jane Zimmerman |
16-Feb | Altar Guild | Day | Jeannie James & Karen Johnson |
23-Feb | Accompanist | Day | Katrina Florence |
23-Feb | Assistant Minister | 8:00 AM | Karen Milne |
23-Feb | Cantor | 8:00 AM | |
23-Feb | Reader | 8:00 AM | Stefanie Kramer |
23-Feb | Usher | 8:00 AM | |
23-Feb | Camera | 8:00 AM | Joyce Volz |
23-Feb | Sound | 8:00 AM | Kanza Easterly-Keill |
23-Feb | Zoom | 8:00 AM | Karen Johnson |
23-Feb | Coffee Hour | 8:00 AM | |
23-Feb | Assistant Minister | 10:30 AM | |
23-Feb | Cantor | 10:30 AM | |
23-Feb | Reader | 10:30 AM | |
23-Feb | Usher | 10:30 AM | |
23-Feb | Children’s Worship | 10:30 AM | |
23-Feb | Sound | 10:30 AM | |
23-Feb | PPT Clicker | 10:30 AM | |
23-Feb | Coffee Hour | 10:30 AM | |
23-Feb | Counters | Day | Rod Combellick & Tom Benjamin |
23-Feb | Altar Guild | Day | Jeannie James & Karen Johnson |