Join us for Worship!
Sundays at 8 am & 10:30 am
8 am is also available Online
We are currently using the Zoom platform for online. You can click here or find the link in the column on the right.
Communion is offered and gluten free is available. Bring your communion with you to online worship.
Check out one of our worship service recordings!
This is a link to a recording of Worship on Sunday, February 9, 2025.
You can download a pdf of the worship plan for this coming Sunday here:
To read more about Worship at CLC:

Worship at CLC
For Lutherans, worship matters. In fact, worship lies at the heart of how we understand ourselves together.
There is a basic pattern for worship among Lutherans. We gather. We encounter God’s Word. We share a meal at the Lord’s table. And we are sent into the world. But we do not think about worship so much in terms of what we do. Worship is fundamentally about what God is doing and our response to God’s action. Worship is an encounter with God, who saves us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Think about it like this. God’s Spirit calls us together. God speaks to us through readings from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, through preaching, prayer, and song. God feeds and nourishes us in a saving way. And God blesses us and sends us in mission to the world. Taken together, the Word proclaimed and the sacraments — both Holy Baptism and Holy Communion — are called the means of grace. We believe that Jesus Christ is present in these means through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Sometimes we describe worship as a “gathering around the means of grace.” This is a way of saying that we trust that God is genuinely present with us in baptism, in preaching, and in sharing the bread and wine of Holy Communion. In that sense, we believe that God’s presence permeates all of Christian worship. The cross is the central symbol that marks our worship spaces and when Lutherans worship, singing fills the air. The voices of all the people joined in song and the participation of all the people in the worship is a witness to our conviction that in worship we are being drawn into God’s own saving story.

Children in Worship
At Christ Lutheran Church your child is an active part of our worshipping community, meaning we want them in worship with us to experience who God is and how God came to us in the form of Jesus Christ. Some children might be a little more active in the community than others and if they desire to walk around a bit to explore, that works. Some children seem to be a little more vocal than others and that is okay too, let them stay and be a part of our community.
One recommendation is that you sit towards the front. What! Towards the front? Yes, towards the front because then your child will be engaged with watching the story of God being with us in worship unfold and they might be a little more settled than if they can’t see anything. Yes, they will probably be wiggly just the same but, hey they are kids and God loves them too.
After the Gospel Reading there is Children’s Worship in the Sunday School area. This is a time for an age appropriate message as it relates to one of the readings. After the sermon, kids head back to their seats.
If you deem your child a little bit too active and feel the need to take them elsewhere you are welcome to retreat to the narthex area or the unstaffed nursery. If you need to nurse your child please go with your level of comfort, if you desire a discreet place to attend to your child see an usher or Pastor and we will help to accommodate you, otherwise we will presume you are comfortable with the spot you have chosen to undertake the task of feeding.

Music at CLC
We love music at Christ Lutheran Church.
We share that passion in our weekly worship by singing several hymns, both traditional and contemporary, along with one of the liturgical settings from Evangelical Lutheran Worship or With One Voice. Our hymns are led by a talented crew of accompanists on either our three-manual Johannus organ or our Kawai grand piano. Each service includes both a prelude and a postlude presented by the accompanist. We frequently listen to special music from vocalists, violinists, guitarists, pianists, and instrumentalists from our congregation, many of whom are teenagers or young adults. We often have a group of brass players for Easter and Reformation Sunday. We have a traditional choir of as many as 20 members, which is directed by a widely known and appreciated local musician. We also have a bell choir which performs several times a year and sometimes accompanies hymns. Both choirs have weekly rehearsals, except during the summer, and the vocal choir usually sings at services every other week and on special holidays. Learn more about the Choirs on our Community page.
Music and liturgy at Christ Lutheran Church is planned and organized by a Worship and Music Committee which meets every other month with our pastor. The committee consists of our pastor, the accompanists, the vocal choir and bell choir directors, a member of the choir, a member of our congregation with special training as a liturgist, and a representative of the altar guild. Meetings are open for anyone to attend. If you are interested check, the Calendar for the next meeting and come.