Community at CLC
Christ Lutheran recognizes the many gifts and needs of the people who are part of the community. There are many and varied ways in which participants in the community are able to participate and use their hobbies and interests. For some there are musical abilities that bring joy. For others there is a need to discuss topics of interest of yourself and of the group. Still others looking for a way to connect with people of your own age group to share life together. Whatever it is you are looking for in a community, check out the below opportunities and join one that might fit what you are looking for.
CLC Community Opportunities:

Music in many forms embodies the worship at Christ Lutheran- strong congregational singing, cantoring, processionals and recessionals, special solos and anthems. The choir is delighted to be able to contribute to the musical spirit of this church.
The Christ Lutheran Choir comprises 16 to 20 voices from the congregation who rehearse from 7 to 8 pm each Wednesday during the school year and sing at the Sunday services twice per month. We are greatly aided by having Barbara Quaile, an outstanding musician, pianist and organist as accompanist. (A great accompanist is way more important to the success of a choir than most people would imagine!) Theresa Reed has been the director since 2007.
We sing a variety of music, leaning a bit toward the classical sound, but including composers of all periods and styles. We also try to sing pieces that can include the various instrumentalists in the congregation. Flute, clarinet, guitar, violin plus visiting brass are often heard.
Choir members are the true activists of the church and this group is no exception; if you want something done, find a choir member. They participate in so many other CLC programs that it is a wonder they have a free evening. But they are at choir practice and we have a rewarding time together.
Please consider joining us. All levels of experience are represented – and, of course, we always need more tenors and basses! Check the Calendar for the next rehearsal.

Handbell Choir
Our Handbell Choir meets once a week during the school year. We generally play once a month. Stefanie Kramer is our director. This is a fun group of people various levels of musical experience that are constantly learning. New members are always welcome.

Men’s Breakfast
The men of CLC get together once a month to discuss relevant issues in our lives as we work together to do Gods work. We meet over breakfast which does include SPAM. All are welcome.
Women of CLC
This organization is open to all women of Christ Lutheran Church. The mission of the Women of CLC is to support the Women of the ELCA, the Alaska Synodical Women’s Organization, Christ Lutheran Church, and the community of Fairbanks & the Tanana Valley. Below are some of our annual events:
January: Women of CLC annual meeting which includes food, fellowship, discussion and approval of annual budget and our hilarious white elephant gift exchange of our leftover Christmas gifts.
Spring: Women’s Spring Tea featuring a local speaker from one of the non-profit agencies or special project.
Summer: Organize the annual church garage sale with the proceeds going to agencies in the community, state or world.
Fall: Members attend the Alaska Synodical Women’s Organization (ASWO) retreat or conference.
Winter: Organize the sponsorship of a family for Christmas through the Adopt-A-Family program of Helping Alaska
In addition to these events, the Women of CLC also support the CLC blanket ministry, CLC outdoor flowers, sponsor a young girl through the Lutheran Global Mission, and sponsor Pearl Creek Elementary School through the Bright Futures program of the Fairbanks North Star School District.
Potluck Meals
Like many Lutheran jokes, we love to share at our Potluck Meals, even Jell-O.
Each month on the first Sunday we have a potluck meal following the last worship service of the morning. It is a great time to meet your pew neighbors over a good Sunday meal.
Mid-September through Mid-May we have a Wednesday night potluck supper at 6:30pm.
All are welcome. Bring something to share if you can and have a meal with us. All are welcome!
Family Activity/Game Events
Our Fellowship Team plans fun events and game nights throughout the year to get us all together to have a good time.
Youth Group
Christ Lutheran Youth Group is for grades 8-12. We are currently thinking and planning for the fall. Each summer we participate in a statewide youth gathering. Every three years we attend the ELCA National Youth Gathering.

Kids Activities
Kids are encouraged and welcome to join in the Family Events and bring friends! We have a Children’s Message during Worship, and we collaborate with other congregations for Vacation Bible School where kids can come and have fun while learning about God and Jesus!
We have a playground and a Little Free Library with kids books too!
Women of CLC
This organization is open to all women of Christ Lutheran Church. The mission of the Women of CLC is to support the Women of the ELCA, the Alaska Synodical Women’s Organization, Christ Lutheran Church, and the community of Fairbanks & the Tanana Valley. Below are some of our annual events:
January: Women of CLC annual meeting which includes food, fellowship, discussion and approval of annual budget and our hilarious white elephant gift exchange of our leftover Christmas gifts.
Spring: Women’s Spring Tea featuring a local speaker from one of the non-profit agencies or special project.
Summer: Organize the annual church garage sale with the proceeds going to agencies in the community, state or world.
Fall: Members attend the Alaska Synodical Women’s Organization (ASWO) retreat or conference.
Winter: Organize the sponsorship of a family for Christmas through the Adopt-A-Family program of Helping Alaska
In addition to these events, the Women of CLC also support the CLC blanket ministry, CLC outdoor flowers, sponsor a young girl through the Lutheran Global Mission, and sponsor Pearl Creek Elementary School through the Bright Futures program of the Fairbanks North Star School District.

CLC Lunch Crew
A group of CLC Members and Friends that have lunch together every Thursday. Some will ride bikes or take walks, maybe even try snow shoes depending on the season. It’s all about connecting with each other and enjoying a meal at the same time. During Summer months we eat at outdoor eateries, as the weather allows, and during winter months we bring our own lunches to the church. Either way we eat, and visit. Contact the church office fore more information.